Client Background

As one of the extreme sports, alpine skiing is very popular among young people who like outdoor sports in China. LC Sports is one of the first mover in promoting snowboard alpine skiing, carving skating, and technical skiing in China. LCsport is also a sales agent of many well-known ski equipment brands.LC Sports 北京乐滑体育是第一批在中国推广单板高山滑雪、刻滑、技术滑行等玩法的组织,在国内滑雪运动中享有盛誉,同时也是多家知名滑雪设备品牌的国内销售代理。

What X Technology has Brought

X Tech helps LC Sports refine their website and at the same time improve the user experience on E-commerce.


We found that although the skiing target audience is niche, the group is well-communicated young people who have good purchasing power. With all research results, X Tech focuses on the characteristic, “community”, of this group, and emphasizes the notion of “club”. We lead users to join and subscribe to the “club”, then use this audience pool to scale the company.


Choose X Tech and build connections between similarities


  • 设计头脑风暴 workshop
  • 品牌标识 logo设计
  • 插图
  • 视觉设计
  • 名片设计
  • 网站信息架构
  • Website Design & Development
  • 网络宣传