Client Background

Coffee shops are all over the streets, and Internet celebrity restaurants have now become the symbols of cities. Top to Tale is committed to creating a shop that combines tea and Australian local coffee culture. At the same time, we hope that by adding this "combination" concept to the logo and the entire brand design, we hope to present a highly recognizable and interesting brand design.

What X Technology has Brought

X Tech create Logo and build up brand identity for Top to Tale.


In the design, the choice of fonts and color schemes not only meet customer requirements, but also show a sense of synchronization of coffee bean and tea leaf which make the brand design in stand out from competitors. At the same time, the brand logo and the side line product are used to attract consumers and enhance the interaction with the brand.



  • 设计头脑风暴 workshop
  • 品牌标识 logo设计
  • 插图
  • 视觉设计
  • 名片设计
  • 菜单设计
  • 周边产品设计
  • 包装设计